Main | Art Blog | In front of us is a portrait of a true seeking artist - Olga Batura.
In front of us is a portrait of a true seeking artist - Olga Batura.

In front of us is a portrait of a true seeking artist - Olga Batura.

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Before us is a portrait of a real artist in search of a real artist - Olga Batura.

A modern artist nowadays very rarely devotes himself to only one craft, our fast-moving time forces to move in several directions at once, to search for his true and reliable way, to show himself in different hypostasis.

In the same way, the artist Olga Batura received a higher education in economics from the beginning and worked for a long time in a major bank in a managerial position. At the same time, she received her education first at the School of Politics, Business and Design, specializing in interior design. A person seeking and versatile will always find its application, and therefore Olga continued her improvement in 2014-2017, having received education in the School of Architecture and Design, Moscow, the course of academic drawing and painting, workshop of A. V. Strizhenko, and in 2014-2017, she received education in the School of Architecture and Design, Moscow, the course of academic drawing and painting, workshop of A. V. Strizhenko. V. Strizhenko, and in 2019-2022 at the School of Classical Landscape of S.A. Brusilov.

ON THE BAY #17823

In 2021, she left a successful banking career to devote herself fully to painting.

Childhood and youth of the artist passed among the forest and spacious nature of eastern Siberia and these vivid impressions fill her works with air and breadth of perspective. And now, following the mentors of classical painting, the artist tries more often to paint her works from nature, and wherever she goes Olga always returns from her trips with sketches, where she skillfully depicts various natural phenomena and episodes of life in the regions of our boundless country.

March. Iksu River. #20725

What it means to have a great memory, to then transfer your emotions, joys and sorrows onto canvas. And Olga manages to do it magically. Looking through the artist's artworks, one can notice the accuracy in the transfer of light shades, the color of colors and the emotional uplift of the artist, and all this can easily be read in each canvas.

If we see a still life with a bouquet of lilacs, we can feel its delicate fragrance and the lace of the leaves and now we have a desire to touch it with our hands.

Russian countryside #18602

If we see a water surface, a seashore or a rolling sea foam, it is immediately clear that we want to walk barefoot on the coastal golden sand, feel the rustle of the surging wave, and all this is only a small impression of what is happening and seen on an ordinary, it would seem, canvas. As seven notes of a composer, so is a set of rainbow of colors, from which each time a new work is born, subject only to improvisation of a particular person. Olga Batura's artworks are filled with special poetry, unique perspective, and palette of colors.

"Painting for me is a constant search for solutions, meanings, new motifs, angles, color, light...", - states Olga.

Duet #18132

During her studies Olga Batura was fond of graphics, wrote in watercolor, but now she prefers oil artwork. Olga is a frequent participant of exhibition projects of international and All-Russian levels. Competent jury has repeatedly marked her artwork with prizes and awards of high dignity. Works of the artist are in private collections and charitable foundations and organizations. Her artwork is presented on the online platforms of Art Most, Artalebrio, Tricera, Artmajeur galleries.

Bird cherry #17786

Olga's artwork is a kind of light perception - it's like looking at a green meadow flooded with light, walking and admiring mountain landscapes or forests. One can see the whole spectrum of diversity.

Its light shades have light, penumbra, own shadow, falling shadow and reflex. But in a color image, they differ not only in brightness, but also in shades. That is why in classical painting it is often said of light and shade that it is ninety-nine percent successful in obtaining an author's style and image. There is still much to be accomplished and learned in the search for one's style. To understand one's purpose, to satisfy one's creative potential and to tell about one's attitude to the World.

Nebula #17825

To get acquainted or to see the artwork in person you can visit the galleries in Moscow and talk to the artist about his works. Hear the history of creation, what inspired this or that perception of artistic realization. The artist brings his light, opens his soul to the viewer, helps us to understand how to live further. How to get away from life's stagnation and general moping. Love rules the world, and the artist is God's embodiment of light, darkness, joy and sorrow. Man, each of us sees the same thing differently. This is the case when the artist heals the soul. Olga Batura - as a person, as a strong-willed nature opens us the world of beauty, gives a part of herself. And generously gives her paintings for the judgment of the most sophisticated viewers.

Ultramarine #17968

You can appreciate the artist's creativity by seeing the list of the latest exhibition projects of the Artist.

  • International exhibition-competition of animalistic art in the gallery Art-commune in TGK Kievsky, painting "Ultramarine" - 2nd place in the nomination "Kingdom of Feathered" 2023g.
  • Russian Art Week, November 2023. Painting "Hallelujah" - 1st place in the nomination "Classical painting "Water Element". Diploma.
  • Exhibition "Native" in the Central House of Cinema, the Union of Cinematographers of Russia and the Moscow City Council of Veterans, 2023g.
  • Exhibition "Winter Magic", Art-Cluster "Vostok", 2023* Exhibition "Christmas", 2023-2024, Kolokolnikov Gallery, 17.
  • Exhibition "Faithfulness to Traditions" of the Russian Art Center within the framework of the IV art and industrial exhibition "Unique Russia", 2024.
  • We are waiting for more and more new creative victories!!!

More artwork of the artist on her personal page

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