Main | Art Blog | Ironic and soulful paintings by Andrei Popov, standing at the intersection of cartoon and painting.
Ironic and soulful paintings by Andrei Popov, standing at the intersection of cartoon and painting.

Ironic and soulful paintings by Andrei Popov, standing at the intersection of cartoon and painting.

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Many art lovers clearly distinguish between painting and cartoon. The former is something sublime, beautiful, or at least original, and is associated with real art; the latter is intended to make people laugh or, if it is satire, to point out their shortcomings, but has nothing to do with pure art. But there is an artist whose artwork is at the crossroads of painting and cartoon, and combines the best of both with surprising precision. They are funny and witty, but at the same time qualitatively and unconventionally drawn, in a peculiar style that cannot be confused with anything else. Meet Andrei Popov (1970-c) and his ironic cartoons.

Morning coffee with the ex

Popov surprisingly accurately manages to see something positive even in negative moments, his artworks often resemble bitter parodies of our life, but necessarily peppered with a portion of select irony, which softens all the negativity. They combine everyday life and absurdity, on the verge of surrealism, and in some of the artist's artworks it is even difficult to understand what is more: pure humor or romance, rather they are all together, just as in our lives, funny and touching are next to each other.

A diligent janitor

Popov was born in Tashkent, and he loved to draw since childhood and showed some success. As a result, his parents decided to put him in an art studio, where he learned the main thing - the ability to reflect his emotions and feelings in a picture, to set a certain mood, to paint not some standard images, but his own vision of the characters in the pictures and his perception of reality. It is more difficult, requires a creative approach, but this is the only way to distinguish a real artist from an ordinary freelancer, which now abound in the network.


Gradually Popov decided to stop at cartooning: he liked to draw funny drawings, and this genre was monetary and in demand, while painting was limited in the Soviet era mainly to Socialist Realism. But there was an opportunity to enter the Mozhaisky Space Engineering Institute, which he graduated from. Mozhaisky, from which he graduated in 1992. Then there was a three-year service in the army, where Popov willingly drew cartoons of coworkers and superiors, which were a great success. But one day his superiors found out about his art and called Popov on the carpet. He received a thorough beating, but now he was allowed to draw officially, though only to design army wall newspapers.

Red carpet

After the army Popov decided to draw cartoons on a professional basis and started working as a cartoonist for the newspaper Delovoy Peterburg. For more than 10 years he drew witty satirical drawings of all kinds of officials hindering free business, illustrated business articles, but in the noughties the concept of the newspaper changed fundamentally. It was supposed to be "white and fluffy", and sharp satire was already practically outlawed.

Baba Yoga

And Popov went online, but instead of newspaper satire, he took up ironic drawings, which differed favorably from other artwork of Internet freelancers by their originality, soulfulness, originality and high-quality, "almost artistic" drawing.

Engaged Together

According to Popov, cartoons are not only a caustic satire or a simple drawn joke, but also a special ironic view of the world, which reflects the philosophy of the artist himself. And here we can only agree with him.

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