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Anastasia Ovsyannikova - Where ancient knowledge and modern opportunities come together

Anastasia Ovsyannikova - Where ancient knowledge and modern opportunities come together

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Anastasia Ovsyannikova

-Where ancient knowledge and modern possibilities come together,

you will find my art. Every centimeter of my artwork is imbued

with sacred meaning and magical energy that I put into them.

Kindness rules the world....

Series "Magic Country" Fairytale lavender"

In front of us is a representative of a new generation of artists who want to show not only the beauty of the existing world, but also to find points of contact for each person as a creative unit.

Anastasia Ovsyannikova from childhood was fond of creativity, a lot of time with her family spent in the village at her grandparents, where she learned to recognize the sounds of wildlife, felt all the soul and body shades of sunlight and the extraordinary rainbow of colors. Even then in a distant childhood firmly decided that will be "to do good for people," but how it will happen, to the end did not realize.

But as is usually the case, the man assumes, God disposes. And this time another of her passions for medicine prevailed. In 2009, she graduated from Medical University, then internship in emergency medicine, and five years saved human lives, and at the same time, and souls.

-As each person is a creative unit that requires careful attention and study. And how many lost souls there are in the Universe!

"We are the Universe"

Anastasia's life has already taken a turn. For the last fifteen years she has been engaged in various esoteric practices, psychological practices, self-discovery and self-development. In 2019, after an Ericksonian hypnosis course, there was a sudden passionate desire to paint. (This is a scientifically approved type of hypnosis that allows you to focus on full concentration of conscious attention. The results of the sessions are comparable to those obtained through meditation or mindfulness).

This beginning of a new quest was a creative success.

Version 2.0

Anastasia Sergeevna is now the founder of the "art with intention" movement. To tell about her creative worldview is the super task of a new generation of artists. Where her creative intentions are confirmed by many practices and recognized at various international levels. A painting is a life clothed in a frame, and what our inner or outer life is manifested on Anastasia's canvases.

- The paintings I paint are filled with concentrated energy that brings your space and life in general into harmony. Canvases help to fulfill wishes. This is a unique author's Art-object for your interior and a good legacy for your descendants.

I am a goddess

Painting "Spindle" (canvas 70x100, acrylic, tinted. Moscow 2021). "Spindle is a symbol of life and continuity of time. We weave the spindle of our life every minute and want to do it better and better every day! The spindle, as a sacred magical symbol, is able to collect and redirect energy, amplifying it many times! And since in this picture, according to feng shui, used a magical color scheme that enhances the energy of abundance and wealth, our spindle collects it from outside and gives it to its owner in a multiplied size! And who needs the giant energy of wealth and abundance? Everyone!", - notes the artist of the work.

Any knowledge can multiply sorrow, and in order that this never happens, the artist acts as a conductor between all things, as a storyteller carries his thoughts and aspirations. After all, it is a whole huge technology capable of doing good in its best manifestation.

Series "Golden Lion" "Golden Lion 3.0"

"Modern Aphrodite" (canvas 80x100, acrylic, texture paste, tinting.) "What is she like? Is she there at all? Of course there is and she is in each of us! Every woman is a Goddess! Especially when she is abundant with feminine energy. In this abundance, she can control everything! This painting is a manifesto of feminine energy. The sacred color combinations and symbols used in it make it not just an art object, but a source of boundless feminine energy!" - Anastasia Ovsyannikova explains to us the idea of her artwork, labor and creative insight.

Series "Two. From the depths of time." Diptych. 2 canvases

The techniques she uses in her works are filled with spiritual meaning, they contain a great universal meaning. Anastasia's life position is to share the inner Light of goodness, to win the audience, which is tired of gray everyday life, where there is no place for simple human joys. To reveal the true human unit as a creative one is the power of a true artist as a creator on our Earth, full of all sorts of injustices.

"I am always interested in what lies beyond the boundaries of human perception.

I write artworks energetically filled, paintings with a special inner world for contemplation, understanding of my creativity, inner self", - Anastasia explains to us. Everything is just beginning and always continues for new and new creative achievements.

- My paintings radiate the energy of intention, which I put in them with the help of sacred symbols, magical combination of colors and magical energy!

Two. Man and woman (diptych)

An artist is a person who creates works of art that have aesthetic value for others. It is a creative person who realizes his ideas, emotions and vision in original artwork. But in this particular case, Anastasia Sergeevne is not just an artist and creator of her own works, she is an analyst, and at the same time, a healer of human souls. As a doctor, she also follows the motto: "Do no harm". And when the viewer gets acquainted with her work, he is transformed and immersed in the World of beautiful, new, where you can learn to love, appreciate, respect everything that surrounds us. To become a little lighter soul to direct his forces for good deeds.

The goal of the artist with the help of her work to strengthen and reveal all the positive qualities and feelings of everyone who comes into contact with her work. The task is to make everyone happier in all his endeavors.

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