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Seven hilarious cartoon that are sure to make you smile: Tim Wyatt

Seven hilarious cartoon that are sure to make you smile: Tim Wyatt

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Tim Wyatt (1967-present) is an Australian cartoonist who for many years has been drawing hilarious one-panel comic strips that are not only understandable to the people of his continent. He even jokes about national prejudices: "I ride a kangaroo to artwork, and during that ride I get hundreds of brilliant ideas in my head. But as soon as I get off the kangaroo, they all disappear".

A room of crooked mirrors

However, there is still something for sure, Wyatt's cartoons are funny and witty, they are dominated by situational humor, somewhat reminiscent of episodes from some popular humorous cartoon series. The peculiar "cartoon" drawing also plays into this, thanks to which White's artwork is distinguished by a distinctive single style: laconic and minimalistic, with a minimum of unnecessary details, where the main thing is the humor itself, not external beauties.

Fun of superheroes

The artist widely uses modern technology, according to him, now for the cartoonist does not need to draw in the old way pencil on paper, and on the computer can always quickly change the drawing, achieving the ideal composition, so that everything is grabbed "on the fly". "Behind the simplicity of the viewer's perception is the hard work of the creator" - and it is hard to disagree with this statement of Wyatt.

Divine preparation for sleep

Tim began to draw since childhood, but his first experience of presenting a drawing to an audience was not very successful. At the age of six, he fell in love with a girl named Bronwyn sitting in front of him on the desk, and decided to draw her portrait. But she did not like the artwork of young Romeo, and she said that he was away from her and did not annoy her with his "boyish fancies".

Where do children come from?

However, in the fifth grade he was already seriously interested in drawing various cartoons, as his friend often brought to lessons a magazine with one-panel comics, and Tim wanted to draw no worse than in that magazine. However, on a professional basis, he put this case on a professional basis already at 34 years of life. Perhaps at that difficult age he had to rethink a lot of things and change the sphere of his activity, and comics were a kind of attempt to escape from the existing problems.

I'm not here

But the main thing is that Wyatt has succeeded. He has been drawing for over 20 years, his drawings are printed in many publications, ready to pay good money for them, and the number of subscribers is measured in tens of thousands. And these are people who are interested in his work, not a beautiful butt, which attracts the attention of many divas from one Western social network.

For Wyatt himself, the one-panel comic strip "The Far Side" by Gary Larson has become a role model. "There's nothing funnier and wittier," Tim admits, Larson has raised the bar so high that it's almost impossible to jump to it, but I try.

Nine Lives

Wyatt's creative method of artwork is quite peculiar: he puts a piece of paper in front of him and starts drawing some absurdity, hoping that an idea will suddenly hit him. And if he's lucky and the idea does arise, then it's a matter of technique, which Wyatt is quite good at. "Sometimes I envy ordinary artists, they do not have to painfully invent anything every time and come up with something funny, just paint portraits and landscapes. If you have the right skill, which is honed in the appropriate educational institutions, you can live a very relaxed existence at all" - ironizes Wyatt.

I'm here

But it's too early for Wyatt to relax, for sure there's still some powder in the powders, and we can expect from the artist new funny comics with a truly universal humor, understandable and close to all normal people.

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