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Adorable cats in cute and endlessly touching illustrations by contemporary artists.

Adorable cats in cute and endlessly touching illustrations by contemporary artists.

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Adorable cats and cats are loved by many people, videos with them have flooded social networks, and owners tirelessly post photos and videos of their pets' pranks on the Internet. It is not surprising that many modern artists are not left out and create entire cycles of paintings dedicated to their favorite purrs. Only the level of artistic execution and “cuteness” in them is much more than in the standard, worn out photos of cats.

A life well lived

American artist Joy Campbell has been painting cats and cat paintings for 40 years and has achieved considerable skill in this field. Her paintings are made in a variety of techniques: traditional oil, pastel and acrylic, but always multicolored, colorful and causing a good smile and good mood.

After a delicious lunch. Artist: Joy Campbell.

She can be called a real animalist: Campbell prefers to depict various animals, but cats and felines occupy a special place in her work. Perhaps because she is an avid cat lady herself, and simply paints her pets in life situations seen at home, adding elements of stylization and fantasy to make them more cute. Therefore, her cats in her paintings are often dressed in human outfits and behave in a completely human way, like cartoon characters or Louis Wayne paintings.

Cat Granny. / Traveler. Artist: Joy Campbell.

But sometimes she paints cats in a more realistic way, languidly lounging on the couch or huddled together, as in the painting “in tight, but not in offense”.

Cramped but not abused. Artist: Joy Campbell.

Her artwork is loved by children and adults alike, and it is no coincidence that she has become one of America's most popular illustrators. Campbell is also seriously interested in gardening and even grows all the fruits and vegetables for her family.

About purrs and scratches. Illustrations by Victoria Kirdii.

Irkutsk artist Victoria Kirdiy is called a cartoon person and a master of “bubble doodle”. Her pictures are really positive, cartoonish, as if they were illustrations for a good children's book or shots from a good Soviet cartoon. She mostly paints watercolors, and has published a whole album of her sunny illustrations under the title “About Purrs and Scratches”.

About purrs and scratches. Illustrations by Victoria Kirdii.

Except that, despite the childish stylization, her illustrations are more interesting to adults who are hungry for good Soviet cartoons and who sincerely thank the artist on her website. But the main thing is that they bring joy and positive mood, which many people lack in our lives.

Graphic cycle “Cats”. Artist: Vladimir Stakheev.

Artist Vladimir Stakheev for many years draws all kinds of illustrations, paintings, teaches painting at the university and is a member of the Union of Artists. He is an artist of several interesting cycles of paintings, among which stands out the cycle “Cats”. And here everything is already mature, for Stakheev it is more important not to draw the maximum cute and positive, but to be able to display the emotions and character of his characters, which he succeeds wonderfully.

Graphic cycle “Cats”. Artist: Vladimir Stakheev.

Cats in his paintings seem reasonable - so sincerely and thoughtfully surprised, curious, afraid can only be creatures capable of thinking and realizing the consequences of their actions.

Cat Love. Artist: Galina Kim.

But the artist Galina Kim went the other way - the maximum author's stylization and humanization of her characters-cats. She managed to develop her own distinctive style, and her artwork can not be confused with any other. The cats, as in the artwork of artist Fernando Botero, are as voluminous as possible, occupy most of the picture, leaving very little space for the background. Perhaps that is why they seem to be very good-natured and unkind, even when they work as rickshaws for a mouse.

Move it!!! Artist: Galina Kim.

And also the color solution is important here - as bright as possible, up to some garishness. But Kim's sense of style is excellent, the paintings, although written in the direction of primitivism, primitive still are not primitive, and with their main task - to create a positive mood cope perfectly.

Cats-musicians. Artist: Galina Kim.

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