Main | Art magazine | Never missed a model and knew all about love. The insatiable Gustav Klimt and his brilliant “The Kiss”.
Never missed a model and knew all about love. The insatiable Gustav Klimt and his brilliant “The Kiss”.

Never missed a model and knew all about love. The insatiable Gustav Klimt and his brilliant “The Kiss”.

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Gustav Klimt wrote many wonderful paintings in the style of Art Nouveau and Symbolism, but “Kiss” among them stands apart and has become a kind of “calling card” of this very talented and original artist.

It is no coincidence that this picture is repeated as often as the famous“Great Wave in Kanagawa” Hokusai - in Vienna, and throughout the world image of “Kiss” Klimt can be found on the most unexpected objects: calendars, bookmarks for books, souvenir cups and even bed linens. It remains only to release underwear with this image to finally reduce it to the level of mass kitsch - nothing can be done, any popularity has its negative aspects. Although it is better to admire the picture, if not in Vienna's Upper Belvedere Museum, where it is located, then at least on a good reproduction.


But what is so special about it, because of what it has become so popular we will try to understand in this article.

Gustav Klimt did not like to leave his native Vienna, even in the Mecca of all artists Paris visited rarely and only when absolutely necessary. The only city for which he made an exception - this is the Italian Ravenna, where he first became acquainted with Byzantine mosaics and became fascinated by them for life. It was after a trip to Ravenna began the “Golden Period” in the work of Klimt, when he actively used gold and decorated his paintings with a variety of ornamental patterns, which he looked up from the old masters and reworked with the requirements of the time and the creative vision of the artist himself.

Portrait of Adele Bloch-Bauer I (Golden Adele)

The ornamentation on the man's garment is strict and geometrically correct - clear rectangles of different sizes, and on the woman's garment - various smoothly transitioning into each other circles and spirals. And it is not accidental - Klimt distinguished between male and female view of love, male - more rational in which the unconcealed desire prevails, female - emotional, where in the foreground feelings and love, but at the same time more gentle, soft and harmonious.

The Three Ages of Woman

Klimt sincerely admired women, moreover, was a hopeless womanizer, did not miss any model and pretty acquaintance, noble and wealthy customers lined up to get a portrait brush Klimt, and the picture itself they were interested in far always. Klimt did not refuse anyone, and rumors of his inordinate love desires went all over Vienna. But even this insatiable artist was not enough, he often used the services of “priestesses of love”, and eventually even contracted syphilis. Although otherwise Klimt led a modest and proper life, did not abuse alcohol, and women were his only weakness.


Perhaps that is why we do not see the face of men - Klimt considered most of them as rivals for the heart of ladies, and with angry husbands probably had to deal.

And also in the picture surprisingly correctly chosen moment - not the kiss itself, but its anticipation, and there is even a legend why Klimt depicted the couple at this very moment.


According to her, one aristocrat ordered Klimt portrait and gave a medallion with the image of his mistress. But Klimt fell in love with that girl, achieved her reciprocity, favor experience in conquering women's hearts he had a very large, and persistence is a lot, and decided to portray himself, and to the aristocrat did not guess anything, hid the man's face. Therefore, the painting is not about a kiss, but about love longing and desire, which were too familiar to the artist himself.

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