Main | Art Blog | Famous throughout Venice for his love affairs and lived to the age of 99. Titian and his stunning paintings
Famous throughout Venice for his love affairs and lived to the age of 99. Titian and his stunning paintings

Famous throughout Venice for his love affairs and lived to the age of 99. Titian and his stunning paintings

There are a lot of stereotypes about the famous artists of the past. Some ordinary people perceive them as half-crazy long-haired types, interested only in painting, unrecognized, beggars, living a miserable existence, necessarily wearing berets, smeared with paint, abusing alcohol and interesting as men only to their sitters and ladies of easy behavior, whose services they often use. Well, how can such subjects be happy and generally be considered worthy members of society? But in fact, there were many famous artists who can be called real lucky, one of them we will talk about in this article.

Titian. Flora.

The greatest colorist Titian can be called a real long-lived - he lived 99 years, which in those years is generally something out of the ordinary, given the plague epidemics, frequent wars and the lack of normal medicine. He received the honorable nickname Titian the Divine and was remembered by his contemporaries as a respected elder who knew life and painting, enjoying boundless respect, to whom everyone went for wise advice.

Titian. Self-portrait

However, he was not always like this. Even as a child firmly decided to become an artist, much to the displeasure of his father, an official. But he had enough foresight and paternal affection to allow his son to do what he wants, and ten-year-old Titian went to study in Venice. After 19 years, he was recognized as the best Venetian artist with all the privileges that come with it - well-paid public and private commissions and universal respect.

Our Lady of Sorrows

Titian took full advantage of his position, his studio was often visited by pretty and noble ladies, who formally posed for him, but often the posing was not limited to one thing. Titian in general was a very prominent man and success with women was stunning. One romance with noble customers was not enough for him, and he did not miss a single pretty model from the commoners who worked part-time in his studio.

Venus of Urbino

The fame of Titian's love affairs went all over Venice and husbands were afraid to let their wives go to the artist's studio. But that was until he met Cecilia. That girl was nothing like the frivolous model and lecherous aristocrats - modest, light, cheerful, thorough and economic - an ideal wife and life partner.

Venus Anadiomena

Titian painted his famous Venus Anadiomena from her, but when Cecilia saw herself naked, she was upset and cried - she was ashamed that everyone would see her like that. Titian listened to her lover's pleas and altered the painting, changing the features of Venus' face, although for him Cecilia was the ideal of beauty and love.

The Abduction of Europe

He was a marvelous colorist, and few artists not only of his generation, but also those who lived after could compare in the skill of working with color, the ability to plausibly portray the emotions and mental state of the characters in his paintings. Titian raised the art of portraiture to a new level with unprecedented psychological depth, accurate rendering of the character of the depicted person, extreme authenticity and emotionality.

Penitent Mary Magdalene

By old age, Titian had to endure the death of all his family and friends - his wife, his son, his daughter, all those who had patronized him in his youth and with whom he had maintained good relations. They were gone, but he remained, and despite the universal honor, he must have felt like a man of another era, an ancient old man stuck in the past. So death had given him the hope of seeing them in another world, at least Titian must have sincerely believed it.

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