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About children and childhood paintings of famous artists, bringing awe-inspiring memories.

About children and childhood paintings of famous artists, bringing awe-inspiring memories.

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All famous artists were once children, and many of them already knew then what they should do in life. We will talk about the childhood of artists and their paintings dedicated to children in this article.

The first word that said little Pablo Picasso, was not the standard "Dad", "Mom", and "Piz" - that is, pencil. Already in childhood, Picasso could draw as well as an adult artist, and later stated: "At the age of 12, I wrote pictures like Raphael". Perhaps this was an exaggeration, but Picasso's first known drawing does not resemble a child's scribbles at all, but his talent is visible to the naked eye.

Pablo Picasso. The Yellow Picador.

It is said that his teacher Jose Blanco was so impressed by the young Picasso's work that he gave him his palette and said: "I have nothing more to do in painting". And also known quote Picasso: "in childhood, everyone is an artist, but it is very difficult to remain him in adulthood".

The childhood of the remarkable Russian artist Boris Kustodiev was difficult to call particularly happy. Already at the age of two his father died, and brought up his mother. And at the age of 8 Boris first visited the exhibition of the Peredvizhniki and was so impressed by the paintings he saw there that he firmly decided to become an artist. True, he wrote in his colorful lubochny manner, not at all like the classical works of Repin and Perov, for which he sometimes got from overly conservative critics - "barbaric savagery of colors," but there were many fans of Kustodiev's work. The portrait of his children in masquerade costumes, painted with great love, is closer to the usual traditional portraits, although painted in pastel on paper.

Boris Kustodiyev. Children in masquerade costumes.

By the way, Kustodiev always said that he first painted a portrait of his daughter Irina a few hours after giving birth, and to write children is a special happiness, one of the main advantages in the work of the artist.

The German artist Paul Klee, who taught at the famous Bauhaus school, seriously considered children's drawings a real art, and even stated that his best works he drew at the age of 3 to 9 years.

Of course, there was some exaggeration in this, but Klee was a true innovator from art, looking for new ways of displaying motion with the minimum possible means, often experimented with different styles and techniques of painting and even invented his own - a special kind of pointillism, that is, a picture painted by means of many colored squares.

Paul Klee. Moonshine

We can also recall the wonderful paintings of our Soviet artists about children and childhood. Here, condensed socialist realism was often replaced by soulful domestic sketches, which everyone who was born in the Soviet Union, cause awe-inspiring memories. For example, Kseniya Uspenskaya's classic work "Not taken fishing" was even included in school textbooks.

Kseniya Uspenskaya. Not taken fishing

The little kid has such an offended and at the same time touching look that you can't help but smile. But he still has everything ahead of him, and who knows, maybe in a few years he will catch carp as well as an adult fisherman.

Alexander Deineka. In Sevastopol

In addition to his famous painting "Future Pilots", Alexander Deineka also created a sketch of the Sevastopol beach, which he called "In Sevastopol" without much ado. And the city there turned out to be really serene and peaceful - you want to live in it, go to the beach, eat apples and grapes, enjoy vacations, sea, sun and warmth.

Andrei Podshivalov. Apples from someone else's orchard

However, some kids are not averse to fooling around or climbing into someone else's orchard to get apples. Perhaps Andrei Podshivalov painted the picture partly based on his childhood memories, and apples obtained in this way seem especially tasty, much tastier than usual.

Irina Rybakova. Summer in the village

It is believed that girls are calmer than boys and more sensitive to beauty, especially when it comes to a whole basket of flowers. Irina Rybakova depicts a simple but surprisingly attractive scene where a landscape, a still life with flowers and a child's portrait are surprisingly harmoniously combined.

Vladimir Gusev. A young cyclist.

And lastly, this is a portrait of a young cyclist with whom all her peers are in love. Childhood and youth is still a wonderful time, but it's a pity that it ends quickly.

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