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Venus Before the Mirror by Diego Velázquez. What mystery does the painting hide and who is really depicted in it?

Venus Before the Mirror by Diego Velázquez. What mystery does the painting hide and who is really depicted in it?

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The famous Spanish artist Diego Velazquez (1599-1660), wrote many wonderful paintings, but "Venus in front of the mirror" created in 1651 stands apart. We will talk about what is so special about it and who the artist actually depicted in this article.

Diego Velázquez. Venus in front of a mirror

By the way, "Venus in front of a mirror" is only the only artwork by Velázquez in the nude genre. Just in Spain, as in no other European country, the Inquisition was fierce, especially zealous in observing all Christian tenets. It was forbidden even to write nudes - it was believed that such images corrupt morals and bring thoughts of sinful, which is generally inadmissible.

Velasquez. The Forge of the Volcano

But in other countries, the attitude of the church to nude paintings was simpler, but it was possible to depict only non-existent in reality characters, that is, all kinds of gods, goddesses of unearthly beauty or naiads. And that in such a frivolous way to paint a portrait of a beloved woman was out of the question, although Velázquez with his inherent ingenuity managed to do it.

Velázquez. Triumph of Bacchus (Drunkard)

However, the image in the painting is relatively decent, Velázquez painted Venus from the back - on the sheets lies a luxurious woman and looks into the mirror, which is held in front of her Cupid. By the way, do not be in the picture of Cupid, it may well be taken as a conventional portrait in the genre of nude, which later various artists wrote a lot. And all this is not accidental at all.

Velasquez. Buccaneers

Velázquez painted this painting while living in Italy, where he was engaged in diplomatic affairs on behalf of the king and at the same time looking for suitable paintings by old Italian masters for his collection of paintings.

Titian. Venus in front of a mirror.

The plot of "Venus in front of the mirror" Velázquez could well have looked up from Titian. But these paintings are very different, and it is not only in the composition. Velazquez has cooler shades - grayish-blue bedspread, burgundy curtain, and lighting, although not as warm and saturated, without sharply pronounced contrasts, as in Titian - the latter in general was the greatest colorist, but more natural, as if Venus is painted in daylight from life.

Titian. Venus in front of a mirror. detail.

Titian's Venus is also rich in detail - a luxurious, richly decorated cape, gold bracelets, pearl earrings - as if we were looking at a frivolous portrait of a rich aristocrat. By the way, the external resemblance to some rich customer or the mistress of a wealthy feudal lord could well be in fact, it is just disguised under the usual acceptable nude on the ancient theme - well, who knows what Venus really looked like. The standard is the same - she must be beautiful, and a few details like cupids emphasizing her unearthly nature will not be superfluous.

Diego Velázquez. Venus in front of a mirror.

Velasquez's Venus lies in an almost ascetic setting, she is not wearing any jewelry, and we see her face only as a reflection in a mirror. It is slightly blurred, thick shadows fall on it, we can see that the woman is certainly beautiful, but it is difficult to identify her personality. Only in 1983 in the hands of researchers got a curious document, according to which it turned out - Velazquez during his stay in Italy had a relationship with a local artist Flamini Triva, which resulted in the birth of his son Antonio.

Diego Velasquez. Meninas.

Obviously, the 50-year-old Velasquez had long been married by then, but four years of abstinence - it's harsh for any man, especially one who was still full of vigor and had success with women as Velasquez. Not surprisingly, he had an affair with a local beauty, and in order not to compromise her, painted a portrait as Venus. Of course, this painting was intended for the artist and his beloved, although it subsequently changed many owners.

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