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Repin's painting “Sailing” was not painted by Repin at all. What is this painting and who is its real author?

Repin's painting “Sailing” was not painted by Repin at all. What is this painting and who is its real author?

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Everyone knows the figurative expression - Repin's painting “Sailing”, when you accidentally find yourself in an awkward situation, funny, but at the same time embarrassing, and see, without wanting to, not at all what you wanted to see. In general, it is practically a synonym for the word “embarrassment”, which, if it did not happen to you, is good to remember in a cheerful company, but it is not pleasant to be a direct participant of it.

Ilya Repin. Refusal to confess before execution

But Repin never wrote paintings in this style - funny and somewhat ironic, preferring critical realism, in which he reached great heights. Repin - this is “Burlaki on the Volga”, “Do not wait”, “Cross Procession in Kursk Province”, “Refusal to confess before execution” and many others, where the dramatic plot, high feelings, verified composition, excellent disclosure of images and characters depicted characters. Of course, Repin had paintings and lighter, such as the well-known “Cossacks writing a letter to the Turkish Sultan”, looking at which you can laugh for company and yourself - so natural and infectious fun is depicted there.

Ilya Repin. Zaporozhye people writing a letter to the Turkish Sultan

Repin managed to convey in some unfathomable way all varieties of laughter - from unrestrained rolling laughter to ironic sneer. But again - this is a historical genre with the deepest elaboration of characters and many sketches - it is no coincidence that Repin worked on it longer than on any other of his paintings.

Monks. (We've come to the wrong place)

This painting is closer to the work of Vasily Perov or Illarion Pryanishnikov - unconcealed irony, light humoristic plot, or even outright mockery of church ministers, for example, it is enough to remember his famous “Cross Procession at Easter”, “Tea Party in Mytishchi” or “Monastery Meal”. But the level of execution is still not Perov's, it is simpler, the composition is not so expressive, although the depicted situation is quite in the spirit of Perov's paintings.

Vasily Perov. The procession on Easter

The river, on which the monks were sailing in a boat, was covered with a thick fog, that's why they could only see what was under their noses. But the fog cleared and it turned out that they sailed to the place where the village women washed, and at that time they did not even think about swimsuits, so they chose a place away from prying male eyes. And the monks, when by some ridiculous accident they saw what they were not supposed to see at all, had only to throw up their hands and write it all off as the devil's intrigues that embarrass honest people.

The fact that the monks were not too embarrassed and openly look at pretty village girls adds piquancy - you certainly won't see such a thing in the cell. Surely they decided to seize the moment, and then they could wash away their sin, especially as it was not too great. Only two kids look directly into the eyes of the viewer and seem ready to laugh - they say that you are no better than these monks and also do not mind to admire rustic nudes. And the only thing left to do is to agree - here we go.

Lev Solovyov. Cobblers

This painting was painted by the artist Lev Solovyov (1837-1919) from Voronezh. However, he is not too famous for genre paintings, and created them few, but he painted icons and organized a free drawing school in his city, where he taught himself. At one of the exhibitions of the Peredvizhniki, which was held in Voronezh, the painting of a local artist placed in the most honorable place - next to the paintings of Repin. So there was confusion - people came to see the masterpieces of the famous capital master, and see the artwork Solovyov, special stars from the sky not grabbing. Indeed, we're screwed.

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