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Village women and girls in positive nude paintings by Andrei Averyanov

Village women and girls in positive nude paintings by Andrei Averyanov

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When it's winter outside, you long for summer and warmth especially fervently. Not everyone has the opportunity to leave everything and go somewhere warm, but everyone can remember the summer in the village or at the dacha, and the artworks of positive artist Andrei Averyanov will certainly help.

Rural landscape

Averyanov was born in 1948 and was deaf-mute from childhood. This, of course, affected his perception of the world, vision and the desire to see beauty became predominant, even if you can not hear music, you can not talk to friends, but you can admire landscapes, look at amazing paintings, draw himself, read books, and do not feel in any way in something deprived. No wonder that Averyanov drew a lot and a great desire, and later entered a secondary art school, and despite his peculiarities of perception, successfully graduated from it.

A lady with a crate

However, the knowledge he received seemed insufficient - he wanted to become a real great artist, to learn from the best teachers, so he decided to enroll in the Repin Institute in St. Petersburg. Repin Institute in St. Petersburg. He graduated from it with honors - and it was an honest assessment, not a tortured condescending: "well, a man can not hear anything, it is necessary to somehow get into the situation. So, Averyanov's talent is clearly not lacking and it was just necessary to find its proper use, so that the years of study were not wasted. The first personal exhibition of the artist back in the late 1970s with success in Ryazan, and after studying at the Institute, which he graduated in 1985, Averyanov has grown to exhibitions in Moscow.


True, times have changed, socialist realism, which was so persistently taught at the institute, has become no longer needed and uninteresting, and the dashing 1990s defined new requirements for painting. On the other hand, it was possible to paint not "as one should" but as one wanted, to reflect one's sincere thoughts and feelings on canvas, not forgetting the market situation, because elegance cannot be put on bread, and creativity in those harsh years must be in demand.

Water for the bath

Averyanov managed to combine personal passions and market demand. He began to write paintings in the style of primitivism, in which Gubarev, Jerich and many other primitivists work, but he managed to develop his own artistic vision, and Averyanov's paintings can not be confused with any other. They are dedicated to Russian women, quite ordinary, who can be seen in any village, or in the summer at the dacha.

Fish is more important

And they lead a quiet and measured life - go to the bath, sunbathe on the beach, have intimate conversations with friends, ride a bicycle for groceries to the nearest store, which may be several kilometers away. Averyanov managed to reflect with amazing accuracy the usual country life, and the style of primitivism allows not to focus on unnecessary small details, to focus on the main thing - the feeling of calmness, solidity and simple joy of country life in the summer, when you want to get out of the stuffy city and live closer to nature, even without all the amenities.

After the bath

However, these ladies are not frightened by the harsh living conditions, it is felt that they are not pampered Rublevskie beauties, accustomed to everything, and not all of them resemble models, but in their maximum proximity to the people is no doubt. But at the same time Averyanov treats the women in his paintings with sincere sympathy, does not try to put them in a disadvantageous light, it is felt that there is in them both intelligence and kindness, and the rural reality does not resemble the gloomy paintings of Vasily Shulzhenko.

New dress

Many paintings by Averyanov are devoted to children and teenagers, and their naturalness resembles sketches from life, seen by the artist himself. Perhaps he painted his children or nephews, that is, it turns out almost a family portrait, however, the features of their faces are maximally depersonalized, it's just girls at the height of their beauty. But there is no vulgarity in these pictures at all, rather admiration and slight envy - they still have everything ahead of them, and surely their life will be no worse than their parents.

Summer on the river

And sometimes there are such spectacular women, once you see whom you will not forget, and in the usual urban crowd they stand out like a white dove in a flock of crows.

Accidental beauty

However, not all the girls in Averyanov's paintings are "white and fluffy", some get the means of subsistence in a reprehensible way, but it is necessary to turn around somehow, when she came to enroll, and did not enroll.

Shall we make a deal?

But there is more positivity in his paintings, that's why they cause a kind smile and pleasant memories of country summer at the dacha.

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