Main | Art Blog | Two girls and a guy. John Diaz's funny and slightly explicit comics about the lives of hipsters and gamers.
Two girls and a guy. John Diaz's funny and slightly explicit comics about the lives of hipsters and gamers.

Two girls and a guy. John Diaz's funny and slightly explicit comics about the lives of hipsters and gamers.

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Nowadays there are a lot of artists who specialize in funny network drawings. Few of them seriously pretend to exhibit their works in any art gallery, but the popularity of such drawings on the Internet is great, people willingly watch and comment on them, because, not particularly concerned about finding new ways in art, network artists draw various situations with many favorite characters and a good dose of irony. This is a kind of reflection of our life and often such drawings are absolutely universal, understandable to all people, even if the artist lives in some distant and quite exotic country.

A real artist

These are the drawings of Colombian artist John Diaz, created in the form of very popular in foreign countries, and recently in our country, especially among young people, various comics. But these are not "superhero" comics for teenagers, the main audience Diaz older people, looking at life critically and sensibly, but not yet finally disappointed in it, able even in funny trifles to find funny and positive. And Diaz draws his comics diligently and carefully, paying attention to small details and careful drawing of characters, as a result they are simply pleasant to look at and no one has any doubts that he can draw, and he can call himself a real graphic artist, not just a network cartoonist.


Born Diaz from the Colombian town of Neiva. Since childhood he drew various superheroes, but after school began to study for a "serious" specialty of psychologist. At the age of 22, he received a diploma, but only a psychologist without experience no one particularly needed, and the salary offered low. Therefore, he had to look for other ways to earn money, and, fortunately, they were found, and not too traditional for Colombia, without any crime and drug trafficking.

Diaz became an online artist. At first it was very difficult, the drawings were not very popular, and they were drawn amateurishly. However, Diaz managed to get a job at a local newspaper as a cartoonist, to gain experience and most importantly - to form his own recognizable style of drawings, well-drawn, with a clear emphasis on the attractiveness of girls, but without excessive vulgarity.


He took something from Japanese animation, something from classic Western comics and thoroughly diluted the resulting mix with global network irony.

Bad Date

In 2012, he drew the comic book "Life with a hipster and gamer", which became very popular all over the world. It is a kind of satire on modern youth, their notions of life and overly zealous enthusiasm for computer games and informal subcultures.

Dangerous Bard

The main characters of the comics are a guy Arthur, with whom the artist associates himself and all other "normal" young people, and two girls - gamer Erika and hipster Sofia.

They often get into various funny situations, which through the comic book format can be revealed much more fully than through the usual caricature.

Diaz perfectly manages to ironize the irrepressible desire of some girls to show themselves in the most favorable light in the photo on social networks, even if in fact for the sake of a spectacular photo you have to get to a deserted beach for four hours. The main thing is that the photo is taken, and the rest is the little things of life, although the guy obviously doesn't think so.

Diaz also raises more serious topics of various prejudices and preconceptions. And even if under the burqa hides a beautiful girl, she still has to prove to all the neighbors who diligently recommended to throw it off, and not to go about men and centuries-old traditions, that she is "not like that", and tolerate the prejudices of women.

Diaz laughs at too thin top models, vegetarianism and online dating, and in general, at everything that surrounds modern young people and determines their interests in life. And in addition to cute girls "in anime style" in his comics meets and quite witty humor, without blackness and unnecessary vulgarity. Perhaps that's why Diaz has outgrown the level of an unknown network wit, and his comics have become so popular.

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