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Funny caricatures "about it" and not only from the artist Igor Elistratov.

Funny caricatures "about it" and not only from the artist Igor Elistratov.

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Caricatures have always been popular. And it's no wonder - funny drawings allow us to take a fresh look at some of the shortcomings of our lives or simply cause a smile. When it's funny, it's not scary, so we should not forget the psychological effect of good cartoons.

The harsh truth of life. -"I often hear, lately, that married people live longer..... I guess that's another lie."

In the past, back in the Soviet Union, they were often printed in newspapers and magazines, there were many wonderful cartoonists who were able to find something funny and instructive even in simple everyday situations. There was also a lot of satire on all sorts of drunks, street vendors, plumbers, thieving company directors, and everything that prevented the construction of a truly happy communist future.

In the pharmacy. -"... And this is the bottle we pour out of when the recipe's really messy."

In the 1990s, political caricature blossomed, every respected newspaper had a cartoonist on its staff, for example, Komsomolskaya Pravda - Victor Balabas, many of whose drawings have not lost their relevance to this day.

Family contract
Now cartoons have left the pages of newspapers and magazines for the web, they have become more differentiated, meeting the interests and demands of certain viewers. So, for teenagers is full of all kinds of memes on games and movies, which adults are completely incomprehensible and uninteresting. But in the network there are many artists who create for an older audience, those who still remember the wonderful Soviet cartoons, and one of them is Igor Elistratov.

For watermelons - "I was gonna get you some watermelons."

His drawings are an ironic portrait of our life, without boring satire or stigmatizing any vices. Elistratov laughs, not burning with napalm, and treats his characters with warmth, not trying to remake them, point out their flaws, but accepting them as they are.

Here, have one last smoke

Many of them are taken from life, the artist himself must have seen their prototypes somewhere, and displayed in his drawings with a good dose of humor.

A pretty girl and a lieutenant

Well, really, has no one seen such a cute couple on a bench in the park? And let it is not the first youth, a little plumped up yes and from a bad habit can not get rid of, and the lieutenant does not look like a muscle playing special forces or VDVshnik, but is it so important? This is real life and real people, drawn with a lot of good irony.

Cuckold. -"You again! What am I, your locksmith?"

Elistratov has a lot of such couples - sailors, sergeants, sailors, who do not mind to dilute the harsh army service with communication with girls. Perhaps this is something personal for Elistratov himself, a reference to those years when he served in the army.

Repka. -"I told you, I'm pulling this one alone."

And he captured the Soviet service because he was born in 1955. He graduated from an art school in Novosibirsk and began working as a cartoonist. He is a kind and unkind person, because he did not like to draw hard satire, all kinds of mocking caricatures of specific people, did not recognize and black humor. Perhaps that's why his cartoons are so positive.But with "strawberry" Elistratov is a friend, does not consider humor "about it" something taboo, but not slipping into outright vulgarity.

The Frog and Ivan -"I'm sorry, Vanya, the transformation was a mess."

The most difficult thing for a cartoonist is to come up with a suitable humorous plot, and Elistratov approaches this business in a rather peculiar way - he just lies at home on the sofa and reflects on life in relation to his art.

Neighborhood Penthouse

Then he sketches a far-fetched picture and calls his wife and daughter - let them evaluate the author's creative idea. If his wife and daughter like it, then everything is fine, but if instead of smiling criticism or lack of any emotion, then the picture still has to be worked on, you can lie down on the couch and think again.

It's not funny anymore... -"That's not funny!"

And often these reflections lead to the creation of small humorous masterpieces, looking at which is easier and more joyful to live - and this is the main task of the artist-caricaturist, with which Elistratov perfectly copes.

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