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Soviet nudes and delightful dancers by Alexander Gerasimov, painted from the heart, not by socialist order

Soviet nudes and delightful dancers by Alexander Gerasimov, painted from the heart, not by socialist order

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Alexander Gerasimov (1881-1963) was a Russian artist who painted in the style of socialist realism, whom many painting enthusiasts consider a classic "court painter" of the top Soviet leadership, and therefore do not take seriously. Paintings are too pompous, pompous and perhaps frankly sycophantic - Gerasimov wrote Stalin and Lenin in the image of infallible leaders, leading the people, although it can not be denied that he did it masterfully, they really wanted to believe and go to a bright communist future. Propaganda can also be talented, and Gerasimov not by chance received such a high and coveted for many other artists the status of court painter.

Portrait of Stalin.

But there were among his paintings completely different - subtle impressionist landscapes, still lifes with flowers, family portraits, as if illustrating a hearty life and prosperity of the artist, but not in order to boast, but because of the desire to project it at least in painting on all Soviet people, portraits of prominent artists and friends, which Gerasimov had many and genre sketches, sometimes quite frivolous.

Family portrait

All these paintings were written not by order, but for the soul, it was in them that the real Gerasimov was, a man who subtly felt, loved and could write paintings in the style of impressionism. About the real paintings of Gerasimov, his life and how he became a court painter, we will talk in this article.


Alexander was born in Tambov province, showed aptitude for drawing, and therefore at the age of 20 he managed to enter the Moscow School of Painting and Sculpture. He had very good teachers - Korovin, Kasatkin and others, it was at Korovin Gerasimov learned to write with a broad stroke, as all impressionists, and to use a bright, saturated color in his paintings.

Still Life. Field Bouquet

But in 1915 Gerasimov was drafted into the army, where he served as an orderly on a train carrying the severely wounded during the First World War. Very hard artwork in moral terms and it is difficult after that not to lose sight of the beauty and joy in life, not to become a complete cynic. It is not surprising that Gerasimov gladly met and accepted the revolution of 1917, finally could go to his native town of Kozlov, to rest from everything seen and experienced soul. There he works as a theater decorator and sometimes paints his own pictures, usually views of Kozlov and its surroundings or of his friends.

After the rain. Wet terrace

After 8 years of sitting in the provinces Gerasimov got bored and decided to try his luck in Moscow. There he writes his famous painting "Lenin on the rostrum" and it becomes clear to everyone - Gerasimov is really a great artist and an excellent portraitist. He was able to very accurately convey the image, achieving a great likeness, while not slipping into painstaking and petty display of the smallest details and facial features. This is where the whole impressionist school came in handy - Gerasimov wrote very precise and broad strokes, and quickly enough, so Stalin could pose him from life, despite all his busyness.

В. Lenin on the podium

Of course, all this was favorably reflected in his material condition - a good dacha, special rations, all the benefits enjoyed by major Soviet officials, and Gerasimov.

Perhaps that's why he tried so hard to paint portraits of leaders, to have all this - it was his artworks, a means of earning money.

But for the soul he wrote quite different pictures, which the official authorities did not advertise - as a hobby, an opportunity for creative self-expression. Gerasimov liked to paint still lifes with flowers and female nature, and often nude. There is a whole series of artwork dedicated to the bathhouse - a great way to fearlessly display nude beautiful women and girls without being accused of moral decay.

In a bathhouse

And there were also sketches from his trip to India with delightful Bombay dancers, and one can only wonder how Gerasimov managed to accurately reproduce the very spirit of the dance, it turned out no worse than Edgar Degas.

Bombay dancer

And the case with Gerasimov is not unique, you should always look at the whole retrospective of Soviet artists, there you can easily find a lot of wonderful paintings, written from the heart, which even now will please all lovers of good painting.

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