Main | Art Blog | Banned in the USSR underground artist Vyacheslav Kalinin and his provocative paintings, which became very popular in the West.
Banned in the USSR underground artist Vyacheslav Kalinin and his provocative paintings, which became very popular in the West.

Banned in the USSR underground artist Vyacheslav Kalinin and his provocative paintings, which became very popular in the West.

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Vyacheslav Kalinin (18.09.1939 - 14.07.2022) - an artist who created in the direction of nonconformism, whose artwork, absolutely not fit into the usual framework of socialist realism, but nevertheless were very interesting, and later became a kind of source of inspiration for the next generation of painters.

Beauty contest

He is from Moscow, and his childhood memories are connected with life in a communal apartment where many people lived in small rooms with one common kitchen and bathroom. According to the artist, he was mostly brought up in the yard, so he firmly followed the yard concepts, which were simple, logical and severe - always be yourself and follow the truth, even if it goes against the official opinion, so do not “as it should” but “as it is necessary”. He has always followed this principle in life and in painting, which is probably why he became an underground artist.

Flora's Feast

Vyacheslav Kalinin's views were greatly influenced by his friendship with Kirill Prozorovsky-Remennikov, who later also became an artist. The latter was an ardent anti-Soviet, and was also seriously interested in art and painting. Kalinin recalled how after school he always made a small detour to once again go to the Tretyakov Gallery, to look at the paintings exhibited there. He was especially impressed by Levitan's lyrical landscapes and Perov's mock-ironic artwork.

For three

But it was necessary to earn a living, so I began to study to be a cabinetmaker, worked for a year in my specialty, but gave up everything - it's hard to work when you have no interest in your work. In the end I entered the Vasnetsov Art School. Vasnetsov. Gradually I got acquainted with underground Moscow artists, became a prominent participant in their hangouts and creative performances, and witnessed all the significant events in the cultural life of the Moscow art underground.

On the embankment

Kalinin had to lead a double life - an exemplary student of art school and underground artistic bohemia. However, with the first official everything was not so simple - in 1961, the school was raided by a commission that began to check all artworks of all students. Kalinin's paintings were recognized as “formalist” - perhaps there was a lack of sincerity in them, and art critics easily noticed it. He was expelled from the school, but Kalinin managed to recover, and two years later he graduated. He created engravings on metal, for which there was a good demand, and at the same time wrote underground paintings for himself and to show them to his circle of acquaintances, which was quite wide and included some Western collectors. At that time in the West there was a very great interest in the paintings of Soviet underground artists, and collectors were ready to pay good money for them in currency. Of course, there were difficulties in getting the paintings to the West, but in the end, the difference in price between what they sold for at Western auctions and what Moscow artists received for them in their studios justified all the costs and hassle.


In 1967, an exhibition of paintings by Russian underground artists was organized in the United States, where Vyacheslav Kalinin's paintings were also presented. He becomes famous in the West, and unofficially exported paintings participate in various exhibitions.

Self-portrait with hang-glider

But even in their homeland, the Moscow underground is increasingly active in holding its exhibitions, albeit unofficially, in apartments and studios, and only “their own” are allowed in. The official authorities are finding it increasingly difficult to combat this phenomenon, and have to make some concessions, allowing the most loyal paintings to be shown to the general public, as, for example, in the “Beekeeping” pavilion at VDNKh in 1975.

Water Seller

Kalinin's paintings are often colorful, satirical, theatrical, they often contain elements of the grotesque, they represent a synthesis of many cultural realities and phenomena of the time, embodied on canvas in the form of memorable images.

Moscow Jacuzzi

Not surprisingly, they gained increasing popularity in the West. In 1991, Kalinin left for permanent residence in the United States, where he painted and organized exhibitions. Died July 14, 2022 (age 82), Los Angeles.

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