Main | Art Blog | “Vienna pornographer” Egon Schiele, his frank paintings and his numerous liaisons, which were justified only by the artist's talent.
“Vienna pornographer” Egon Schiele, his frank paintings and his numerous liaisons, which were justified only by the artist's talent.

“Vienna pornographer” Egon Schiele, his frank paintings and his numerous liaisons, which were justified only by the artist's talent.

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Egon Schiele (1890-1918) - Austrian expressionist painter who wrote very peculiar and frank paintings, where he favored nudity, but the main there was not sensuality and beauty, and the themes of loneliness and suffering, as if love for Schiele associated exclusively with these concepts. Because of the peculiarities of his work, he was called the “Viennese pornographer”, and if he had visited a psychiatrist, the latter would surely have been able to make a couple of difficult diagnoses.

Self-Portrait with Physalis

Schiele was not at ease with the law, and he was prosecuted. He lived too little - only 28 years, but managed to become a truly famous artist in his lifetime, favor were all the prerequisites for this based on the level of his extraordinary talent. True, according to art historians, he is too much fixated in his work on the negative manifestations of love and frank sensuality, as if a young man who does not give focus to the raging hormones. We will talk about the short life and extraordinary work of Schiele in this article.

Nude woman leaning forward

Egon Schiele decided for himself as a child that he would only be an artist. The first and main source of his inspiration was the railroad - in the tiny town where he was born, all life was mainly around trains and rails, because Egon's father worked at the railroad station. Schiele from childhood had little interest in anything besides drawing - he studied from hand to mouth badly, teachers were tired of writing his parents angry notes, his father brought up his son in the most popular way of the time - regular floggings, but it was little use. Egon was also unlucky with his friends - he had no friends, he had a reputation as a “strange guy” and for good reason.

Houses with colorful linen

Gradually, Egon's father began to go mad because of progressive syphilis, and he had to leave his lucrative position as head of the railroad station. However, despite everything, Egon loved his father sincerely, sometimes even too much, for example, after his death seriously offended his mother that she wore too little mourning, and in adulthood he returned to his native places, traveled along the railroads, as if trying to find solace for his rebellious and nervous nature.

The Old Mill

Egon Schiele's talent was noticed at once. He was admitted without examinations to the Academy of Fine Arts, and after a couple of years of study, Gustav Klimt himself, having seen Schiele's drawings, said: “too much talent, he will probably be unhappy”.

Talent for Schiele became the main justification. Morality, morality - all by the side, he is an artist, and he is allowed more than others. That's why he did not give passage to sitters, entered into numerous relationships with them. In justification said that he wanted to know the model as best as possible to feel their soul. However, to keep such an amorous young man in the Academy did not - unnecessary scandal was not needed, so three years later Schiele was expelled.

The harbor in Trieste

It was necessary somehow to earn a living and Schiele took the easiest and most obvious way for him - began to draw explicit pictures, because later and got his nickname. The business was very profitable, the demand for such obscenities was high and people paid good money for them. Soon Schiele was able to organize his studio, where he wrote paintings for an exhibition organized by Gustav Klimt. For a 19-year-old horny kid, the very participation in it was a huge achievement. It was a joke to exhibit his paintings alongside the artwork of Vincent van Gogh and Edvard Munch.

Four Trees

Such a start contributed to the popularity of Schiele - he was talked about, his paintings were admired, and in 1918, when Gustav Klimt died, Schiele received the status of the main Austrian artist.

In general, Klimt and Schiele had much in common, including the attitude to women. They were both insatiable, and age, external attractiveness, social status and any feelings did not matter much. It is said that in the studio and in the apartment Schiele constantly lived several young girls who ran to him from his parents. There they maintained order, and at the same time posed for the artist and shared his bed.

But only with two of them he had a serious relationship. Valli Neutsil was only 17 when she became Schiele's model and lover.

Portrait of Valli

They traveled through provincial towns, where they always looked at them obliquely - why not married, and live together. Once they even arrested Schiele for having an affair with a minor, but after keeping him in the cell for 3 days, they were released.

Schiele married another woman, Edith Harms, and Valli offered to live with them.


That such a proposal did not appreciate, with grief settled nurse in the Red Cross and in a few years from the artwork and emotional overstrain died.

But the marriage of Schiele and Edith was not happy. Schiele went into the army shortly after the wedding, and when he returned, it was discovered that Edith had contracted Spanish disease while six months pregnant. She died a few months later, and Schiele was only able to outlive her by 3 days.

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