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Painted pictures extolling the beauty and piety of nude ladies. John Collier's impressive artwork.

Painted pictures extolling the beauty and piety of nude ladies. John Collier's impressive artwork.

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John Collier (1850-1934) was an English Pre-Raphaelite painter, famous for his masterful depiction of sensual and amazingly beautiful women who lived in different eras or were fictional characters of various myths and legends. Collier painted portraits, genre scenes, in which he appealed to the best human qualities - morality and decency, his work was truly romantic, and so it remained even during the First World War, when many other artists tried to depict without embellishments all the horror happening there.

Priestess of Bacchus

Perhaps this was the artist's view of the world - Collier in general can be called lucky, he had a very prosperous childhood, loving parents and the opportunity to fully realize his ambitions. However, in addition to all this, you also need a lot of talent as an artist, and it is good that Collier had it.


His paintings are a combination of refined aesthetics and interesting subjects, competent choice of composition, so there is nothing surprising that they were very popular during the artist's lifetime and remain so now. All the same, true art is invariable and its popularity in the long term does not depend on the vagaries of fashion. Even in the times of avant-garde and modernism Collier did not change his style, and probably did not lose, his paintings still found their fans, innovation in painting is good, but there must be eternal values, which Collier so diligently sang in his paintings.


Collier's father worked as a judge, had the hereditary title of baron and was a member of the Royal Society of Artists. That's why John received the best education possible - 4 years he studied at the prestigious Eton College, and then went to Germany to learn German, began to study at the diplomat at the University of Heidelberg, but at the age of 25 decided to dramatically change his main profession and entered the Munich Academy of Fine Arts. It is good to study when you do not need to think about money, however, many other future artists, despite the blatant poverty, still did not give up their ideas and desire to paint, so the final choice of Collier quite logical, although dictated by the dictates of the heart, rather than mind and cold calculation.

Prodigal daughter

Young Collier sincerely admired the paintings of John Millais, the artist of the same "Ophelia", and even at work tried to imitate the manner of the great artist - set the canvas very close to the model and tried to carefully convey all the features of her appearance. However, without embellishment all the same did not do without, aesthetics for Collier was always in first place, but this beauty is not decorative, and deep, he was interested primarily in the personality, and her inner feelings. But even they, based on the concepts of the Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood, should be aesthetically beautiful.

Fallen Idol

Collier was well acquainted with Professor Thomas Huxley, a progressive who was called "Darwin's bulldog" because of his adherence to the theory of evolution, which Darwin had only recently promulgated and was therefore fashionable, though often condemned.

Portrait of Charles Darwin

He married the daughter of Professor Marian, but happiness was short-lived. The couple had their firstborn child, but a difficult labor undermined Marian's health, she was treated in Paris, but, unfortunately, fell ill with pneumonia and died.

Collier sincerely grieved, two years went to bachelor, but then went to Norway and married his dead wife Ethel's own sister. However, the law prohibited such marriages, so Collier had to spend a lot of money, when finally this union was approved. And it was quite successful, Collier and Ethel had two children, and the son later became the British ambassador to Norway.

Pharaoh's maids

And in painting, Collier has always had success. Recognition was usual for him, as well as high positions, in particular, vice-president of the Royal Academy of Arts. He wrote portraits, which were the main source of income - and money, based on his status and the habit of living large, required a lot.

However, Collier's most famous paintings are genre scenes with beautiful nude women, such as Lady Godiva.

Lady Godiva

She stood up for her people, who were suffering from the exorbitant taxes imposed by her husband, Count Leofric. Godiva asked her husband to lower the taxes, to which he replied that he would honor her request if she agreed to ride naked through the city on a horse. Lady Godiva's compassion was stronger than false shame, and she complied with her husband's mocking request. But none of the townspeople saw her inappropriately - they all locked themselves in their homes and never even thought of looking at the beautiful young woman.

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