Main | Art Blog | Sensual and strong-willed beauties in the paintings of John Waterhouse, which will not leave anyone indifferent
Sensual and strong-willed beauties in the paintings of John Waterhouse, which will not leave anyone indifferent

Sensual and strong-willed beauties in the paintings of John Waterhouse, which will not leave anyone indifferent

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John William Waterhouse (1849–1917) — English Pre-Raphaelite painter who drew inspiration from biblical and mythological subjects, ancient English legends and chivalric novels. The main heroines of his paintings are beautiful women with influence and power, but at the same time desirable, alluring and sensual. An ideal example - Cleopatra, Ophelia, Psyche. Not always they existed in reality, Waterhouse willingly wrote sorceresses and mythical heroines, the plots of his paintings were often dramatic, but at the same time and calm and peaceful, without excessive expression. The main thing - aesthetics and beauty, admiration for strong women, their ability to overcome circumstances and not lose face.

North Wind

Waterhouse achieved success and wealth during his lifetime, his work was very much in demand, and now his paintings are very expensive and only increase in value every year.

Ophelia lying on the grass

John Waterhouse's parents were artists, so from an early age he studied painting and familiarized himself with the outstanding paintings of the old masters, good thing he lived within a five-minute walk from the art museum. A lot of work with his father, comprehending all the artistic wisdom. Therefore, and questions about the future of John did not arise - only painting. When he was 21 years old, he entered the Royal Academy of Arts, some time in his youth imitated the then popular artist Frederick Leighton, but gradually came to his own style in painting. His first serious artwork was Sleep and his half-brother Death.

Sleep and his half-brother Death

The painting immediately became very popular, the young artist was talked about, his artwork was admired. All the features of the artist's work were there - mythical, very bright and interesting characters, deep symbolism, virtuoso execution.

The Soul of a Rose

Married Waterhouse late enough - at the age of 34, his chosen one was the artist Esther Kenworthy. However, the couple was not lucky with children - they died in infancy, child mortality even at that time was high, good earnings and the ability to use the services of good doctors decided not everything.

Psyche entering Cupid's garden

Waterhouse's best paintings - embodied in canvas ancient myths, and his heroines were very popular in Victorian England, where women actively fought for equality with men and for the first time got the opportunity to vote and go to the polls.

The Lady of Shalott

The artist's most famous painting is The Lady of Shalot. Waterhouse took as a basis the poem “The Enchantress of Shalot”. According to its plot, the girl Elaine was under the oppression of a curse - she can not leave the castle of Shalot, even in the window it is forbidden to look. But she has a magic mirror that shows all the wonders of the world. Elaine admires them and embroiders tapestries, trying to embody what she has seen. One day she saw the knight Lancelot in the magic mirror, fell in love with him and decided to see her lover, no matter what it cost her. The curse has come true, the mirror has cracked, the tapestry has decayed - only death awaits the girl in love. But she runs to the river, gets into a boat and sets off on her last journey to the knight's castle. It is this moment that Waterhouse captured.

The painting is full of hidden meanings. The girl is ready to die - this is clearly hinted at by the three candles on the bow of the boat, two of which are extinguished. The boat is a symbol of the coffin, on which the tapestry she cherished so dearly lies carelessly. But it was all in vain, real life is far more interesting than invented mirages. It was only a pity that it turned out to be so short and tragic.


Waterhouse's work was in demand during the artist's lifetime, but when he died of illness, he was forgotten. The avant-garde and art nouveau were in vogue, the paintings of the Pre-Raphaelites seemed hopelessly archaic. But gradually the artist's artwork became in demand again, which proves that true beauty and good taste never become obsolete.

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