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Why Andrew Wyeth's painting Christina's World has become a symbol of American painting and attitudes toward life, and what is so special about it?

Why Andrew Wyeth's painting Christina's World has become a symbol of American painting and attitudes toward life, and what is so special about it?

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For every nation there are iconic works of art that are not unreasonably considered national treasures. In Russia, these are the paintings of outstanding Russian artists of the 19th century: Repin, Bryullov, Ivanov, and Surikov, whose paintings are now on display in the Tretyakov Gallery and the Hermitage. They epitomize the spirit of the people, their mentality and worldview, are known to everyone from school - which, however, is not always good, because school coercion can suppress any craving for art. But nevertheless it is senseless to deny the role of these paintings in the formation of artistic taste and sense of beauty.

The United States also has its own iconic painting - it is “Christina's World” by Andrew Wyeth. What is so special about it and why it is so famous, and at the same time about the artist himself, we will tell you in this article.

Эндрю Уайет. Автопортрет. (1945 год).

Andrew Wyeth. Self-portrait. (1945).

Andrew Newell Wyeth 1917 – 2009 — American painter of portraits, landscapes, and genre painting in the art direction of realism. One of the leading American artists of the XX century.

Andrew was born into a creative family, his father, Newell Wyeth was a popular illustrator, and so much so that he was visited by Mary Pickford and Frances Fitzgerald. Newell Wyeth drew illustrations for children's books, and his house was full of all sorts of props: pirate chests, tomahawks, knight's armor and other things. There were also many students learning the basics of book illustration from a very young age, so Andrew never felt alone in his house.

Andrew had been in poor health since childhood, and he did not even go to school, but studied at home with guest teachers, which his father could afford. In general, Andrew's early years were like a fairy tale - talented and loving parents, trying their best to awaken their children's imagination - his father even climbed up the chimney like Santa Claus at Christmas, lots of toys and entertainment.

Andrew was seriously interested in drawing, and already at the age of 20 wrote enough paintings to be able to organize a personal exhibition. It turned out that his paintings are quite in demand, they liked potential buyers and were quickly sold out. And Andrew himself has already clearly defined his occupation - he began to write paintings, although earlier, following the example of his father was engaged in illustrating children's books. But soon realized that the genre of children's illustrations to him boring, he had something to say and adults, he preferred to put in his paintings much more meaning than required by children's drawings.

«Оторвавшиеся от земли»


Andrew loved to paint American prairies, which sometimes lacked bright colors, but had their own unobtrusive beauty. Sketched and everyday scenes from provincial life, putting in them a deep meaning, which was not always obvious at first glance. Andrew always painted exclusively in the style of realism, which for the middle of the XX century was already a certain challenge. “What realism in this era, it is for housewives, is the artist so tight with imagination” - wrote some critics. His paintings were loved by ordinary people, but the owners and employees of museums were embarrassed to acquire and exhibit them, afraid to be known as hardened conservatives. But Andrew his manner of painting did not change, he firmly adhered to this direction and did not pay attention to the opinion of some critics.

«Сапоги моряка». Автор: Эндрю Уайет

"Sea Boots"

However, Andrew Wyeth's paintings are quite different from photographs, despite the stylistics of hyperrealism. Perhaps that is why such a concept as “symbolic realism” appeared - it is to this direction in painting that art historians refer to the paintings of the American artist.

«По течению». Автор: Эндрю Уайет


And at the age of 28 Andrew experienced a severe tragedy - the death of his father, whom he loved very much. His car was in a ridiculous accident at a railroad crossing, since then, almost every picture of Andrew invisibly present a sense of great loss.

He was a recluse - did not like social gatherings, communication with journalists, and after the death of his father even more began to shun society. Andrew did not respond to critics, and in general it seemed that he lives outside of time. He was reproached that in all his paintings people do not wear watches - and they were not necessary to him, in the turbulent XX century, he continued to live a measured, unhurried life, as well as the characters in his paintings. Andrew never traveled, he assured on this occasion: “in my opinion, in traveling a person loses something very important, perhaps a naive view of life, and I do not want to do it.

«Проходящий по сорным травам». Автор: Эндрю Уайет

«Trodden Weed»

He also communicated with the outside world exclusively through his wife, Betsy James, a woman of great organizational skills and practical savvy. She said of their life together: “I feel like a director who was lucky enough to work with the best actor in the world. Andrew painted his outstanding paintings, and Betsy was engaged in organizing his exhibitions, communicating with the press, responses to critics - in general, all that so did not like the artist himself.

His main painting “Christine's World” Wyeth wrote in 1948. It depicts a woman sitting on the ground looking at a nearby house. At first glance there is nothing special, but the essence, as in any outstanding work of art is hidden in the details, and we will talk about them.

«Christina's World».

At first it seems that the woman is a young girl because of her slender figure. But a closer look reveals a strand of gray hair in her hairdo. And also surprised by her fingers, curled, clutched in the ground, covered with dust - as if the woman makes absolutely incredible efforts, but it is unclear why. Then, if you look at her completely lifeless legs, a lot of things become clearer and the viewer feels compassion for her.

«Мир Кристины». Фрагмент.(1948 год). Автор: Эндрю Уайет

«Christina's World». fragment

The painting featured Christina Olsen - Andrew Wyeth's neighbor. She was unlucky - she contracted polio in early childhood and her legs were completely paralyzed by the age of 30. Christina could only move around by crawling on her hands. Of course, she had a wheelchair, but she did not want to constantly strain her family. So, if she had to go somewhere for business, Christina used this way of transportation. Andrew saw her from the window of his house, at first he wanted to come and help the unfortunate, but then he realized that this is how she moves often, and imposed help would just offend Christine. She did not want to accept her disability and tried her best to live like a normal person.

But Andrew wanted to paint Christine Olsen, but decided to offer her to be his model. The artist was posed by his wife, which is probably why he painted the woman from the back. Andrew worked on this outstanding painting for over five months - with endless patience he drew every blade of grass in the withered field and the house in the distance. Oil paints could not provide the necessary level of detail and attention to fine detail, so the artist used tempera and painted the painting with a brush made of a few hairs.

«Мир Кристины». Дом. Фрагмент.

«Christina's World». fragment

Andrew uses the effect of combined perspective - the house in the distance looks very distant, as Christina herself saw it. The woman sitting on the ground is depicted from the perspective of his window, i.e. from above. All this together creates such a strong effect.

However, at first the picture was met without much enthusiasm, but later it was bought for exhibition at the New York Museum of Modern Art. Viewers liked the work, and soon it was proclaimed the greatest work of art.

There is another interesting feature of Andrew Wyeth's paintings - all the people depicted on them never look directly at the viewer. Their gaze is always turned to the side or to themselves, as if they were either looking into the vast distances or deeply reflecting on something.

«Вдали от дома» (портрет сына).Автор: Эндрю Уайет


Andrew also painted landscapes - for example, one of his best works “Wind from the Sea” is connected with the worldview of the artist himself and probably Christine Olsen. Only if Andrew himself preferred to observe life from the window because of his character, the second one because of forced circumstances and his illness.

«Ветер с моря». Автор: Эндрю Уайет

«Wind off the sea»

During his long life, the artist wrote many outstanding paintings and rightfully became a classic of American painting.

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