Main | Art Blog | Marvelous illustrations to fairy tales by Gennady Spirin, which are not inferior to the paintings of the old Dutch masters.
Marvelous illustrations to fairy tales by Gennady Spirin, which are not inferior to the paintings of the old Dutch masters.

Marvelous illustrations to fairy tales by Gennady Spirin, which are not inferior to the paintings of the old Dutch masters.

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Gennady Spirin (1948 - present) is a Russian artist specializing in illustrations for children's books. Except that these are not those primitive garish pictures, often created by a neural network or at best by little-known artists, which for the sake of economy are printed in many modern publications for children. Spirin's illustrations are a true work of art, combining the traditions of classical painting and characterized by a distinctive manner of execution.

Andersen Hans Christian "The Ugly Duckling". Source: gennadyspirin.org

Interesting coloristics with a lot of gold, blue and dark red colors kin them with Raphael's paintings.

Christmas story

But in terms of the level of detail they are close to the works of Jan van Eyck.

Spirin is not lazy in depicting rich patterns on the outfits of his fairy-tale heroes, and carefully paints the fur and feathers of wild animals in the illustrations for Brenda Giberson's book “Life in the Taiga”.

B. Giberson. Life in the taiga.

And all this is drawn in watercolor and fine line drawing techniques, inspired by Old Russian miniatures, Renaissance engravings and the works of old masters. His illustrations resemble the works of medieval manuscripts, yet remain lively and dreamlike. Spirin has achieved incredible mastery of this ancient technique.

Andersen H. C. "Thumbelina"

His drawings, although made in the mass and “low genre” of book illustration, the level of drawing reminds of the paintings of real great artists: Pieter Bruegel the Elder, Van Eyck and Dürer, whose works Spirin was inspired by back in the days when he studied painting.

Andersen H. C. "Princess on the Pea"

Spirin was born in Orekhovo-Zuyev near Moscow. Since childhood, he loved to draw and showed considerable ability in this, so he entered the Surikov Art School, and finished his education at the Moscow Institute named after Stroganov. Stroganov Institute in Moscow.

Andersen H. C. "Mermaid"

It was in 1979 that Spirin began to draw illustrations for children's books. They differed favorably from the illustrations of other Soviet artists by their decorativeness, rich detailing and interesting view of fairy-tale characters.

Many contemporary illustrators note that Gennady Spirin influenced their style and approach to creating book images. His attention to detail, historical accuracy and artistic depth have made him a cult figure in the world of book illustration.

Illustration for the fairy tale “By Pike's Will”.

Due to his beliefs, Spirin was not very fond of portraying proper pioneers or workers in the spirit of socialist realism, and illustrating fairy tales allowed him to completely move away from any politics. International recognition soon came: Spirin received the Golden Apple Award for his illustrations of the fairy tale Marysia and the Dwarfs.

"Marysya and the Dwarfs"

In the late 1980s, Spirin and his family moved to Germany, where he continued to draw illustrations for fairy tales, which were sold in large editions and became known all over the world. Eventually he was offered cooperation by the large American publishing houses Philomel and Dial Press. He moved to the United States, reasoning that in the 90s in Russia his illustrations are of little use to anyone. But in the United States, Spirin's work was repeatedly awarded gold medals by the Society of Illustrators, and his illustrated books were recognized as the best books of the year.


Spirin still lives in Prieston with his wife and maintains good relations with his three adult sons and their families. He said in an interview: “No one here bothers me or tells me how to create or what to do. Spirin's character is indeed irreconcilable, which is probably why he could not get along in the Soviet Union. But he remained Russian at heart, and living in America for many years, he didn't even learn English.

Princess Frog

In some ways he is like a hermit: he sits quietly in his house and draws his wonderful fairy-tale illustrations, trying to communicate with the outside world only through his wife and his close friends. But the main thing is that Spirin is in demand, and few other illustrators have been able to illustrate fairy tales and children's books so finely, elevating his work to the level of a real great painting.

Many editions become rare and collectible due to the stunning design. Each illustration is not just a picture, but a whole magical world full of details and hidden meanings.

Spirin is an artist who managed to transfer the spirit of ancient manuscripts and medieval miniatures into the modern world, making it a little more magical.

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