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Архив мероприятий

Photos of the event
23 december
30 december

Ярмарка уникальных новогодних подарков от мастеров ручной работы

Photos of the event
01 january
22 february

Грантовый фонд - 30 миллионов рублей. Наша цель — привлечь внимание молодой аудитории к культуре и искусству.

Photos of the event
01 january
31 may

The Museum of Magic is an entertaining, informative and educational project for children and adults.

from 700.00₽
Photos of the event
27 january
03 february

«Портреты» рыб, которые могли существовать, существуют, как мечта ученого об открытии неизвестных науке видов

Photos of the event
03 february
09 february

Приглашаем посетить выставку участников клуба "РецептАрт" с 3 по 9 февраля!

from 350.00₽
Photos of the event
05 february
06 may

Photo exhibition "Across Russia"

Photos of the event
10 february
16 february

ArtMaison 10 февраля представит на суд страждущего зрителя уникальную выставку

from 350.00₽
Photos of the event
17 february
23 february

С 17 по 23 февраля в галерее будет представлена персональная выставка Анны Кудрявцевой «По ту сторону»

from 350.00₽
Photos of the event

24 / 02 / 2024 состоится презентация моей третьей книги стихов «Дверь в себя»!

Photos of the event
11 march
11 april

International Festival-Contest of Children's and Youth Creativity and Pedagogical Innovations

Photos of the event
30 march
05 april

Aika Mugnetsyan's exhibition "PSYCHOLOGY OF Luck" invites all connoisseurs of contemporary art.

Photos of the event
13 april
19 april

Grisha Danunaher's solo exhibition "Oh, Look at You" will be held at ArtMaison Gallery from April 13 to 19

Photos of the event
04 may
04 june

solo exhibition of Natalia Levushkina

Photos of the event
04 may
04 june

Solo exhibition of Maria Alimina - Light of the Soul

Photos of the event
04 may
04 june

solo exhibition of Natalya Stepanova

Photos of the event
19 may
25 may

WORLD OF EZOTERICA. International exhibition of symbolic art. Forms of participation: In person and Online

from 100.00₽
Photos of the event
26 may
01 june

Inter. festival-competition of children's and youth creativity. Methods of participation: in-person and online

Photos of the event
23 june
07 july

Modern painting, graphics, photos. View, choose, buy.

Photos of the event
14 september
14 october

Solo exhibition of Elena Krikunova

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