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2843 result For "Мир"



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Москва, Russia, 9 works
Peonies on a black piano Light of the World I Feel the Wisdom of the Times And a rose blooms on the stone Mandala On the Energy of Love Floating Island
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Горно-Алтайск, Russia, 2 of art
Spring Moscow Raven caused by inability to breathe
Photo by the author
Рубежное, Ukraine, 1 creation
Winter landscape
Photo by the author
Новосибирск, Russia, 821 creation
Снег выпал Окно в мир Весна! Куст чертополоха Деревенский вечер Тишина Кампанелла Глаза 8 Не забудь полить цветы! Елена Встречаем новый день Миражи 3 Мария Роза в черном 2 Мир и покой во Внутренней Монголии Букет на столе Письмо сыну Поле, вечер, огоньки, дальняя дорога… Зов текилы Скоро осень Дачный променад Потерянная кукла Abstr WB 5 Среди зимы 26 Среди зимы 25 Новая шляпка Приглашение в сон Осенние мотивы Свобода! Старая дача Старая дача В минуты музыки печальной Среди зимы 24 В поисках радуги 4  Среди зимы 22 Большой медленный шум Юрайя Хип (персонаж Ч. Диккенса) Апостол Павел Две сестры (Индиго и Сиена) Трое в лодке Осенний сон Подводная жизнь В свободном падении Зимний сад Белая стихия Самый обычный день Воспарим! Флоксы на скамейке Восход или закат Едрён Батон Маленький цветок (Petite Fleur) Среди зимы 21 На пути к рождению Вдали от дома 2 Среди зимы 20 Под тихий шепот опавшей листвы Красные яблоки In the sun Ну вот, опять весна! Ах, лето! Жёлтые цветы на красном Перед Рождеством 2 Вдали от дома На берегу Отчего, да почему на глазах слезинка… Август. Полдень Гортензия Утром будет холодно Зачем-то так нужно Караван Nude Привет от соседей Птицы Женщина в песках 3 (Кобо Абэ) Двое под зонтом Edna Vazquez Роза в черном Ню 3 Call and I'll come Open door Путник В колесе повседневности К востоку от Эдема В поисках радуги 3 В поисках радуги 2 В поисках радуги 1 Где ты? Поздний ужин На исходе дня Иня. Полуденный зной Дорогой длинною / Двое Глаза 7 Мир стал сложнее Autumn Bloom Through the Looking Glass Паруса Иня в полдень Иня утром Скалы и море Пейзаж с лодкой 3 Осень над крышами Одинокое облако Утренние игры Приближается осень Еще одно лето Жара Abstr C 2 Abstr C 2 Elizabeth Yellow flowers on pink Mask, I know you! Conversations in the Tuileries Garden Dandelions Sun echo Alexander 3 Eyes 6 Misty Lake 3 Spring stream - Did you do this? Morning joy Sir John Lennon 2 Nata Eyes 5 Melodrama and pantomime The night is quiet, empty and deserted Swimmer Half-portrait Marina M. Among the fields. August 10 Long haul Alexander 2 Marina K. Fata Morgana Songs of Lara Eyes 4 Self-portrait on a rainy evening Self-portrait 2024 Lily of the valley Sanguine landscape 2 Sanguine landscape Night Avenue Self-portrait 2005 Eyes 3 Eyes 2 Nun Grave by the road 2 Grave near the road 1 Ba-Ma-Lu-Ye-Ye! Flowers in black White bouquet Young man (free copy from a painting by P. Korin) Summer is in full swing Kir on a scooter Woman in the Sands (Kobo Abe) 4 Martyr Alevtina Midwinter 17 Midwinter 16 Pensive Creation of a Woman Somewhere on Halfway Still life with fruit Anechka Master Salvador Dali There's a whole day ahead! Время есть время, мой друг! Grandma Pelageya Бабка Матрена Abstr WB 3 Abstr WB 2 Sir John Lennon Among the Winter 14 A Curious Лежащая женщина Walk in the Fog 4 Vasilisa At the old bathhouse Hot August В зимнем лесу Среди зимы 13 On the Road When the path has been completed Abstr WB 1 There's no one yet Closer to autumn Vladimir K September morning Undressing woman After the rain Still life with asters and brushes Evening field Breath of Autumn Memories of Leningrad 2 Farewell Evening Bamboo Thick and thin. Illustration for the story by A.P. Chekhov Vase with branch On the edge The Visions It's raining again... / Rain again... Mireille Mathieu 3 / Mireille Mathieu 3 Great Mountain Altai / Great Mountain Altai Among the fields. September 4 / Among the Fields. September 4 Joe Cocker Mountain Altai. Manzherokskie rapids / Mountain Altai. The Manzherok Rapids Through the Years Three Roads Mountain Altai. Sema River / Mountain Altai. Sema River Inya / Inia River Old man (free copy of P. Korin's painting) The Dry Leaves Autumn Mood The End of Silence Where We Are Not One Day You'll See Summer holiday Among the fields. October 2 / Among the Fields. October 2 I was drinking birch sap in the spring forest... / I was sipping birch sap in the spring magic wood... Frost and Sun Fruit in a Cup / The Fruit in a Cup The Wire The Sunny Glade Mana River Pendulums of other people's lives 2 Among the Winter 12 Vanya Violinist / A Violinist Kir / Kir Among the Winter 11 COVID-2019 Under the Sun Last Flowers of Autumn In the Middle of Winter 10 When Dusk Falls Gypsy Man The Last Flood Misty Glow The Sunflower A Lake with the Reeds Dandelion Glades / The Dandelion Glades Still Life with Lily / Still Life with Lily Summer on Talmenka / Summer on Talmenka River A Million Years After the Nuclear Holocaust Firebird The Winter Day Seasons. Winter 2 / The Seasons. Winter 2 Evening Bouquet of Lilacs The Loss The Bank of the River Inya Running in the Rain Diego Rivera 2 Is beauty eternal? / Is beauty eternal? Mountain Altai - March / The Mountain Altai - March Memories of Leningrad / The Memories of Leningrad Peace in the Soul Katun near Tungur 2 / Katun River The Sprig of mimosa Wet Morning Each Village has its own Sorcerer Marzipan flowers / Marzipan flowers The Confession Model House Pigs on Pink Floyd's Wings There, on unknown paths... / There, on unknown paths... Amid the Field Mireille Mathieu 2 / Mireille Mathieu 2 On the Edge Sorrow House without a Master The Candle Vladimir Vysotsky 3 / Vladimir Vysotsky 3 Golden September Vladimir Vysotsky 2 / Vladimir Vysotsky 2 Spring self-portrait Чёрно-белый букет / Black and White Bouquet Metal Guru T.Rex Визитер / A Visitor Life’s a Bitch Зимний автопортрет / Winter self-portrait Осенние горы / Autumn mountains Марина Влади / Marina Vlady Among the fields. August 9/ Among the Fields. August 9 Among the Winter 7 Easter Still Life Autumn Alcojazz A Little Viburnum / A Little Viburnum Among the Winter 9 Open this door Cosmic Egg Среди зимы 8 / Among the Winter 8 Irina Sh. / Ирина Ш. Horse Portrait / Портрет лошади Владимир Высоцкий / Vladimir Vysotsky Among the Winter 4 The Light from the Neighbors Among the fields. August 8 / Among the Fields. August 8 From August to October / From August to October One Autumn Evening... / One Autumn Evening... Still Life with a Pumpkin Among the Winter 5 Cold September Larisa / Larisa Evening Meeting Among the Winter 6 Dancing Boys Still life with a melon / Still life with a Melon 1920 Alexander / Alexander Yul Brynner / Yul Brynner Dark Side of the Moon Pink Floyd Yellow Flowers Among the Winter 1 Among the Winter 2 Among the Winter 3 Interior with piano To School Carnations/Carnations Still life with Bread and a Bottle Still life with Bread and a Spoon Christmas Tree with Carnations Age / The Age Still life with tomatoes / Still life with Tomatoes Landscape with a Boat 1 Landscape with Birches Landscape with a Boat 2 The Eyes Woman in the Sand 2 (Kobo Abe) / Woman in the Sand 2 (Kobo Abe) Antiquities Shop Memory / The Memory Ekaterina / Ekaterina Dmitry / Dmitriy On Talmenka. August / On Talmenka River. August Flowers Tutti-Frutti / Flowers Tutti-Frutti The Golden Mountains Satchmo (Louis Armstrong) / Satchmo (Louis Armstrong) Still life with bottles / Still-life with the Bottles The Village Courtyard Good Night Sun The Prophet Nude Last Snow Vera Crucifixion of Christ. Apostle Judas Iscariot / Crucifixion of Christ. Apostle Judas Iscariot Crucifixion of Christ. Apostle Paul / Crucifixion of Christ. Apostle Paul Crucifixion of Christ. Apostle Peter / Crucifixion of Christ. Apostle Peter Crucifixion of Christ. Jesus Christ / Crucifixion of Christ. Jesus Christ The Echoes Albert Einstein Gifts of the Magians The Doctor Blind Faith Two green stones Two red stones Diego Rivera Ceramics The Look Kirill / Kirill Ivan / Ivan Oleg / Oleg Evening portrait The Shell Among the fields 1999 / Among the fields 1999 Wall of Silence Judgment of Paris. Modern technology / The Trial of Paris. Modern technology Morning Lake Fernand Leger / Fernand Leger The View from the Highway was Amazing It's Raining in Russia / It's Raining in Russia Master Salvador Dali 2 / Master Salvador Dali 2 Lev Tolstoy / Lev Tolstoy Vladimir Mayakovsky / Vladimir Mayakovsky Peony on a blue Inya / Inia River Child of summer Based on Fernand Leger On the other Side of the Day What does the coming day have in store for us? (Self-portrait) / What does the coming day have in store for us? (Self-portrait) Birch on a Summer Day / The Birch on a Summer Day Abstr C 1 The Shadow 5 Asymmetry / Asymmetry Among the fields. Dachas 1 / Among the Fields. Dachas 1 Collapsar The last day of summer / The last Day of Summer Winter Forest 3 / Winter Forest 3 Oasis / Oasis The half hint Flowers in a Pot In the Footsteps of Don Quixote Among the fields. August 5 / Among the Fields. August 5 Among the fields. October. Sketch / Among the fields. October. Sketch May in Paris / May in Paris Paris - Dakar / Paris - Dakar Among the fields. August 7 / Among the Fields. August 7 Red Flowers in a Pot Mother Nature's Winter Dress 1 Mother Nature's Winter Dress 2 In the Vicinity of Ganymede The Short January Day Glass Still Life / The Glass Still Life Italian Landscape 2 Preparation for the Holiday Still-life with Field Flowers / Still-life with Field Flowers Among the fields. August 6 / Among the Fields. August 6 Still-life with a Vase and Apples / Still-life with a Vase and Apples On Talmenka 2005 / On Talmenka 2005 At first there was Chaos, then too The Contemplator The Walk in a Mist Where do Clowns live Waiting for a Miracle The Choice Anu-Ziki-Ellil / Anu-Ziki-Ellil Windy Weather Matrix Failure2 What have I done! / What have I done! 33 years! / 33 Years! Love for three triangles Evening Bells / The Evening Bells Still-Life with the Forget-Me-Not Still Life with Peonies / Still Life with Peonies View from under the Veil Lord save this world! / Lord, save this World! Picasso One Late Evening Somewhere in Altai / Somewhere in Altai Self-portrait from the Early Lake of Memory New Year's gift On Talmenka / n Talmenka River Among the fields. August 3 / Among the Fields. August 3 Among the fields. August 4 / Among the Fields. August 4 Among the fields. September 1 / Among the Fields. September 1 Among the fields. September 2 / Among the Fields. September 2 Ada / Ada In Dreams Space debris / The Space Debris God, can you hear me? / God, can you hear me? Fantasy on the Theme of Autumn 2 The foggy lake 2 To Childhood Pending Cataferia 2 / Catapheria 2 Tropics Professor Vibegallo Sunday Walk Morning Flowers 2 Path in the Sands Adagio Albinoni / Adagio Albinoni Your Name is Autumn Desert Landscape The Hawk Sacrifice Among the fields. Mid-August / Among the Fields. Mid August Among the Winter 15 / Among the Winter 15 Dancing Woman Everything on Earth leaves its Mark 23:47. After the rain / 23:47. After the Rain Grandfather Savely Make a wish! /Make a Wish! Among the fields 1995 / Among the fields 1995 Among the Winter 35 / Among the Winter 35 Winter Silence Among the Fields 1998 / Among the Fields 1998 Among the fields. October / Among the Fields. October The Entropia of Memory Evening Landscape We talked... / They talked... Nude Silhouette Hands with a Bottle / The Hands with a Bottle Among the Winter 36 / Among the Winter 36 Before the Night Falls The Birth of Cognitive Dissonance The Shadow 4 Dancing with the Wind Among the fields - the Road The Golden Balls On the swing / On the Swing Soon There Will Be Love Night Moths In The Windows Abstract Landscape 2 Journey to XXXstan Mountain Altai. Katun / Mountain Altai. Katun River Peonies in a crystal Vase Waiting for the Thunderstorm A Lonely Meal Under Supervision Light a Candle In the Morning / In the Morning Still a long way to go... / Still A Long Way To Go... George Harrison Before Christmas / Before Christmas The Carrier Around the Iron River Autumn Forest 1 Autumn Forest 2 Among the fields. Dachas / Among the Fields. Dachas The Shadow 3 Abstr WB 6 Field, Sky, Clouds One Summer Morning Remembering the Past Birch / The Birch The Last Autumn Roses The Tree of Knowledge Winter Forest 2 / Winter Forest 2 The Red Way into the Forest White Viburnum 1 / The White Snowball Tree 1 White Viburnum 2 / The White Snowball Tree 2 Katun near Tungur / Katun River near Tungur Trouble Has Come Gryffinda Someone Else's Borrowed Dream Red Flowers Blowing Wind Forest Road The Last Stop The Summer Morning Those Who Called for the Storm Among the fields. August 2 / Among the Fields. August 2 Eighth Mountain Stream Silence of the Recluse Let Me Back into Your Garden Keep on when I say “Stop” The Shadow 2 Among the fields. September 3 / Among the Fields. September 3 Cold Waters of Katun River Still life with a candlestick / Still life with the Candlestick Among the Winter 34 / Among the Winter 34 Starting from the End of the World The Mountains Top down, left to right IV / Top down, left to right IV Flash in the Night / Flash In The Night Two Sunsets in the Mist Somewhere in Siberia / Somewhere in Siberia The Shadow Running on the Waves Among the fields. August 1 / Among the Fields. August 1 Flowers of Hyperborea Leaf / Tree Leaf Icarus's Secret Tomb Emperor's Challenge Cataferia Seasons. Spring. / The Seasons. Spring. In the Power of Music Winter Road Winter in Talmenka / Winter in Talmenka Village Winter in Talmenka 2 / Winter in Talmenka Village 2 Top down, left to right I / Top down, left to right I Top down, left to right II / Top down, left to right II First Stone of the Avalanche Among the Winter 32 Ernest Hemingway / Ernest Miller Hemingway Top down, left to right III / Top down, left to right III Still-life with a Tableware Set Still life with wine / Still-life with Wine Naturshaft A Simple Still Life Prelude to Spring Still-life with golden balls and tomatoes / The Still-life with golden Balls and Tomatoes Free Flight Spring Willow Among the Fields 1 / Among the Fields 1 Top down, left to right V / Top down, left to right V Pink Floyd over the city (Wish You Were Here) / Pink Floyd over the City (Wish You Were Here) Mainly Cloudy Forget-Me-Not in a Glass / The Forget-Me-Not in a Glass The Awakening The Guard at the Gate of Time Temple 50,000 Miles Into Subconsciousness The Edifying Man It's ticklish! / It's Ticklish! Bread / The Bread Still-life on a Red Table-Cloth The Paints At the Entrance Abstract Landscape Lights of the Big City Among the fields. July / Among the fields. July Stairway to Heaven The Singer of the Revolution Bad Weather Outside The Window Seasons. Autumn. / The Seasons. Autumn. The Landscape with the Boat Flying Kites Lilac on the Window Sill / The Lilac on the Window Sill Clearing after Rain Pondering on Breakwaters’ Nature Only Forward Ksenia Volkova / Ksenia Volkova Dandelions and Apples Looking for a third Friend Unblowable by the Wind White Viburnum / The White Snowball Tree Abstr C 4 The Old Hand Organ The Sleepless Night Through the Years (Self-portrait in the Hood) Autumn Bouquet Warrior of the Past Battles In Anticipation of Inspiration Still life with daisies / Still-life with Сamomiles Still-life with daffodils / Still-life with Daffodils Southern Town Goldilocks / The Golden-haired Woman Still life with the Campanellas / Still-life with the Campanellas Waiting for Love (Girl from the Spring Dreams) Seasons. Summer (3) / The Seasons. Summer (3) Rusty iron scrap (sketch) Rusty Iron Scrap Eyes 14 / Eyes 14 Autumn Metamorphoses / The Autumnal Metamorphoses Parisian still life / The Paris Still-life Manechka City Gilding 70 Years Behind Bars Before Beginning The Evening Runaway The Lady in the green hat (A rustling dream entangled in feathers) / The Lady in the green Hat The Doors September Gift Evening Bread At sunset / On the Sunset The Spring Bouquet The Lilac World Among the Winter 31 Endless August The Wheels The Evening Runaway Fish / Small Fish The Prince and the Princess Summer Insomnia / The Insomnia The Winter Meadow Seasons. Summer (2) / The Seasons. Summer (2) The Listening After two glasses of champagne (sketch) / After two Glasses of Champagne (sketch) After two glasses of champagne / After two Glasses of Champagne Picking the Apples The Switchman (sketch) / The Switchman (sketch) The Switchman One, two, three, four, five, I'm going to look for you! / One, Two, Three, Four, Five, I'm Going to Look! Margarita ( Beyond Nizhny Tagil / Beyond Nizhny Tagil To Bow Among the fields. July 2 / Among the fields. July 2 Pink Ge Loneliness Once upon a time... / Once... Give it to me, for Christ's sake! / Give, for Christ's sake! The Winter Twilight 1 The Winter Twilight 2 The transparent silence of autumn / The transparent Silence of Autumn The Statuette in Interior To Plant a Tree Dolphins The Ancient Town The Cap following his Shadow Sloth / The Sloth Summer Langour / The Summer Langour In the Artist's Studio The Blind Inertness in Blue Silence Portrait of a Warsaw Stranger Don't put out the candle The Abandoned House Incognito / Incognito Seasons. Summer / The Seasons. Summer Evening Music lulls his Sleep Geo-Still Life with Piercing Portrait with White Sparrow The Berd River Banks Blue-eyed Seasons. Winter / The Seasons. Winter The Woman in a Black Dress The Mistress of the House The inflatable Man on the Beach Alexander Nevsky’ Cathedral at Five O’clock on Warm Summer Evening Lyudmila / Ludmila Gulliver To Bow Portrait of the Son Winter Silence / Winter Silence. Among the fields. August / Among the fields. August In the Forest near Talmenka Tell me about yourself / Tell me about yourself One Summer Morning After a Little Rain on Thursday Eyes 13 / Eyes 13 In Mentalitet’s Ebrace Among the fields. Dachas 2 / Among the fields. Dachas 2 The Version of the Happening The foggy lake 1 Fire Keepers Silence, My Eternal Companion Mireille Mathieu Sometimes I see... / Sometimes I See... The Blue Silence The Face of Depression Italian landscape / Italian Landscape Among the fields. September 5 / Among the Fields. September 5 Portrait of Irina in the autumn Forest Pendulums of other People's Lives Borsch Will Soon Be Ready Still life with books / Still-life with the Books Still-life with the Jugs and Wildflowers Same, Side View The Fun Still life with the Campanellas / Still-life with the Campanellas Mireille Mathieu 6 / Mireille Mathieu 6 The Pink Space Post-industrial landscape / Post-Industrial Landscape Treasured Place Study for a portrait 4 Quietly Sit on the Shore of my Soul Jim Morrison In the Mirror / In the Mirror Mirages / The Mirages Tuning of Harmony Birch Grove in Winter Ozzy The Colors of Autumn Autumn Forest 3 Madonna in an Orange Hat in the Architecture of Manyasco From the Remote Depths From the Remote Heights Sweeping It will rain soon / It will Rain soon The Doors Pablo Picasso / Pablo Picasso Visiting the Mantis The House in the Dunes Just one strip remains unmowed... Yellow River / Yellow River Female Portrait What Are You Standing Swaying... Spring Smelled Carried by the Wind Morning paints with a gentle light (Byte KPSS!) Early autumn. 9 o'clock in the morning / Early autumn. 9am Up to the heavens! / Up to Heaven! The Danger In Dreams Rhymes and Rhythms / The Rhymes and Rhythms Satchmo (Louis Armstrong) / Satchmo (Louis Armstrong) Dancing in the Dark Among the Winter 23 The Glass of Water Flowers in brown tones In the Corner of the Garden 2 The Wind Lilac is fragrant / Lilac is fragrant Autumn evening in the country Birch Grove Dunno Flowers Still-Life with Phlox / Still-Life with Phlox The Windbreak The Road to Talmenka Town Oh, those black eyes! / Ah, Those Black Eyes! The Domes Running in a Circle / The Running in a Circle Battle of Giants Delicate Balance Doggie Flowers Bloomed Portrait of an old Friend Old Tree in a Thunderstorm 5G The Stream Eyes 12 / Eyes 12 Still-life with a Toy / Still-life with a Toy Old Believer The Memories Morning Flowers Great-great...great-granddaughter of Mona Lisa Cleaner 1 / Cleaner 1 Morning Games / The Morning Games Autumn Carnival Cleaner 2 / Cleaner 2 Aloe / Aloe Giving Heart Country Geometry / The Country Geometry Do you believe me? / Do You Believe Me? Carried by the Wind (sketch) From Chaos to Order / From Chaos to Order The Potato Elf (Weld or fry?) Seated Nude Among the Winter 18 / Among the Winter 18 Soundcheck It's snowing / It's snowing Where April Gets Born Green Landscape On the Mana River Prickly Stars Love Message Yellow August Walk in the Fog 2 Fighter with passions Woman in the Sands (Kobo Abe) Bad apartment ( Death of a Deity Unexpected Souvenir Blind Flight Fun (sketch) / Fun (sketch) Cheerful Toucan Still-life Invitation Portrait of Wife The Garden Named After the Fifth Season Among the Winter 19 Still Life with Pears / Still Life with Pears The Breakthrough Souls of trees My palette Seagulls at sunset Walk in the Fog 3 Give it to me, for Christ's sake! (sketch for the painting of the same name) / Give, for Christ's sake! (Sketch for the picture of the same name) Among the Fields. June / Among the Fields. Juny The Educational study 3
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Смоленск, Russia, 0 works
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